...So here I sit again, adding to the vast number of dead links, dormant sites like those telling me what to stock up on for the coming of the New Millennium, and the Y2K apocalypse upon us, and otherwise useless crap, collectively known as personal web pages. As always, I have plenty of other stuff I SHOULD be doing, but accomplishing nothing always gives you that warm tingly feeling inside, and so here I sit.
My aim for this site is to provide a kind of working journal of media, links, and my own personal thoughts (hopefully insightful, but more likely nonsensical and irrational). I do not expect that any of what I put on this site will be particularly interesting to anyone, but it will provide me an outlet that I will some point look back at and either shake my head at the irrelevance of, or be envious of times past when I had the time to sit and put together things like this. If any of this does manage to have any entertaining, or stimulating value for you, then go ahead and fill up, hell, even help yourself to seconds if you wish...just don't make a mess, and leave a quarter in the jar at the door on your way out.
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