Well, its been a couple days since I wrote anything again, just thought I'd drop a couple cents in the "take a penny, leave a penny" tray. First off, in the process of opening a bottle of pop tonight, I noticed that it was one of those look under the cap deals. My first thought was, "its amazing how few people I know actually check these things, I wonder if anyone ever ends up winning?". Good for them if they do anyways. After a couple mindless minutes of struggling with the damned thing, I came to my next disctint thought, "In the at least 20 years since the invention of the plastic pop bottle, how have they not developed an easier to remove seal?". A quick search on the topic actually gave me a date of 1973 for the use of PET plastic bottles. Now I again question, how have these seals not been made easier to remove, or if not easier, at least make them seal better. Now I realize that a majority of people could care less about getting the contest cap out, so why not just make a better sealing bottle?
On another note, someone needs to go about making party going objects more drunk proof against loss or damage. Or maybe the shortcoming here is mine...
"...Somewhere around the world, someone would love to have my first-world problems..." -Matthew Good Band, Omissions of the Omen
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