I’m writing this now cause I’m killing some time after waking up shortly after 6 with stomach cramps that are either a result of my steak last night, or the water up here catching up to me. Its amazing country up here; just about every view is stunning, but the water that tastes like salted peanuts leaves something to be desired. I took at least a hundred pictures of said views of the landscape, and posted the best of them here. I wish I’d remembered my camera for our quick trip down to Manitoulin Island yesterday. Driving through a native reserve just on the north side of the island we saw a doe eating grass at the side of a road cut. Like I said, its amazing country up here, particularly relative to Southern Ontario.
There’s actual sunlight poking out now, and the loons that were sitting on the water 50 meters from our cabin have gone elsewhere in search for food, or perhaps shade, but they’ll get plenty of that later as a wall of clouds is rolling in from the west, ensuring that we get one last April shower. I sure hope it’s the last. Bring on the May flowers, and June, July, and August girls in bikinis. There are after all various types of natural breathtaking views.
View from our cabin. 22/04/2005.
View from our cabin. Evening of 23/04/2005.
View from our cabin later that night...
Holed up in the cabin. 24/04/2005
Obligatory scenery shots (I have plenty more, but picked a couple of the best)
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