I haven't been drinking as much lately as I had been, and it caught up to me Thursday night/yesterday morning. I had myself a mickey of Bombay, just enough to be in a happy daze, and didn't think anything of it, falling asleep watchin some infomercial. When it comes to harder liquor I'm usually in the clear for any kind of after effects, its beer that kills me, but apparently my body felt it should punish me for not drinking so much lately, and gave me one hell of a headache yesterday morn. Granted, I didn't have myself a glass of water or two before I crashed to rehydrate, but like I said, hard mixing usually is good to me. I have narrowed my situation down to two options, drink more, or drink more and accept that I'm getting old. Perhaps a third: drink less and accept that I'm getting old. But that should only be given consideration under the most dire of circumstances.
That said, I didn't much feel like posting about my buddy's fiancee's deformed fish yesterday. Black moores (which is quite the redundant name for a fish) turned orange, orange goldfish turning white, its crazy I tell you. But then the fish are something like 12 years old, so I guess like old people, we can ignore their slight shortcomings with age.
And while not having the motivation to post, I did some browsing around and found a couple gem sites. The illustrator of
bunny suicides might be seen shortly on Dr. Phil, but has found a hilarious way to express a twisted personality. And since I find it hilarious I guess that speaks volumes about myself as well.

The second of them was this sweet piece of merchandise. How could something like this not have existed until now? How come I didn't think of this myself? Move over Bill Gates, there's a new kid in town, and they're selling the most flashy, gaudy, and yet stylish belt buckles you will ever see. Those big ass Harley Davidson and State of Texas belt buckles have officially been put to shame and are cowering in the deepest darkest corners of display cases across North America.
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