I sure am glad that two fifths of my tuition money this term are going towards learning difficult concepts like "how to find an average" and "how to change a page orientation". I know I'd be lost without these borderline rocket science concepts. The problem is that courses that have been mandatory for my program for some time have evolved over the years and tend to be geared towards other disciplines, except perhaps my statistics course which so far seems to be focused toward about a Grade 5 curriculum.
There are much better things out there I could be spending my money on; more topical courses would be a good start, but not necessarily even for myself. Unfortunately there's not much I can do to buck the system at this point, so I'll just have to bend over and take it.
On the bright side, tomorrow is Logan Day, where the Earth Science department gets together to celebrate one of the godfathers of the Earth Sciences in Canada. In other words, the profs, staff and students from all levels get together, play some games, and then move on to the bar for the real fun to ensue, and I'll attempt to find temporary happiness at the bottom of a beer bottle (pictured).
My signed copy of Matt Good's In A Coma came in today, complete with bloggers in the liner notes. The interweb has been embraced to yet greater extent again. And the album so far is extremely solid, not that I expected any less. Its partially a greatest hits album, so all of you out there that only enjoyed him a little, but not enough to buy a full album should check it out.
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