Yesterday I woke up, rolled to the side of my bed, picked up my guitar, and literally played till my fingers bled. Well, til one of them bled. And no, I didn't pick it up at the 'five and dime'. That was about all old man productivity had in store for me for Saturday. Today, I did the same.
My weekends lately are seriously devoid of any kind of excitement, and have become far too predictable. Learning a couple new riffs or memorizing a couple new chord progesssions, simple or no, is only self gratifying for so long. And the alcohol does nothing but tax my wallet.
And why is it a remaining tradition for senior citizens to do their shopping on weekends. I completely respect equal opportunity for all people, including the geriatrics among us, but come on! You people have 5 days of the week where most of the working, professional, or schooling world will be totally out of your way and you can waddle through the aisles of your local grocery store at leisure. Why do you insist on saving your shopping for Saturdays and Sundays, when the stores are busy enough with the volume of the working world, and park your carts in the most inopportune of locations, and laze slowly about.
If anyone catches me shopping on a Saturday or Sunday beyond the day I offically retire, I hereby grant you permission to take me into the stock area and kick my ass.
Today provided a little bit of activity to the weekend with a playoff soccer game in my rec league, which we lost to a team full of those people that take things way too seriously (I'm sure you know the type) and a number of NFL weird and wacky games.
The Packers were beaten again, and Favre is fading not so gracefully into the sunset, but he sure as hell is ready to go out doing the best he can manage with the talent around him he has to work with. And now the Bills at the Patriots is started, and Ted Bruschi who had a stroke after last years Pro Bowl, and who looked like it would be impossible for him to play ever again started, and is playing influential football. Its gamers like Favre and Bruschi that fight, and don't give up that reflect positively on professional sports, despite the whiners and sucks you will find out there in all sports.
October 30, 2005
October 28, 2005
Hallows Eve Suggestions
-Internet Pirate (a la Maddox): Get yourself an eye patch, and bring along your ipod/mp3 discman/pirated media weapon of choice, and maybe wear a torrentspy or I Hate Lars t-shirt.
-Leafs Fan:
option 1 - Find someone willing to lend you a Leafs jersey, cut off the blade of a hockey stick, tape the leftover shaft such that it is lodged up your ass or
option 2 - Find someone willing to lend you TWO Leafs jerseys, and find yourself an inflatable doll to put the second jersey on, strap to back in suggestive pose. (Note: you might be best off asking that Leafs fan pal of yours who lent you the jersey for his inflatable doll...we all know he's got one...and its probably effeminately named 'Darcy')
-Your Evil Twin: The big bonus here is no money lost on costume, the downside lack of originality, this is the low budget option (if it gets you into the party/kegger/bar cheaper, do it). Only lots of pride and self respect lost in defaming yourself, but you'll most likely be drunk soon enough and prone to embarrassing your sorry ass anyways.
-George W. Bush: I dare you. If you could find a friend to dress as a WMD for the evening though, you could run that gag all night in a crowd; "Has anyone see my WMD?" (Note: to the WMD friend, if you decide not to show up, the image is complete, find yourself a better party, and tell G.W. about it later.)
Apparently I misplaced the rest of the mildly amusing ideas that came to me today, my memory is a seive lately, unfortunately, it has an affinity for only keeping the crap. Post your suggestions!
October 26, 2005
Its a Start...
The U.S. today apparently decided to cease funding for the development of back-pack nukes according to the BBC.
Its alright to call everyone else on even the slightest hint of nuclear arms development, impose sanctions against them, and threaten to attack them if their actions don't fit with the visions of the big guy. Yet, millions per year go towards funding their own weapons of the same destructive energy. Millions per year for too many years that, just for the sake of simple analogy, could have easily been diverted to levee construction everywhere in hurricane alley. Clearly there are numerous other programs both domestic and international that the U.S. could have better spent that money on, but instead it goes to flexing the military might. Military might so shocking, and awe inspiring that 2 and a half years later, Iraqi militants are still so bewildered that they continue to strike randomly at the occupant military, and other political and religious sects in the nation.
It should have been quite apparent right from the start that a big military presence wasn't going to be met by an equally large military in some large battlefield, with the mess to be mopped up later. Battles like that haven't taken place since the World Wars, and for good reason, good commanders realized they were a waste, illogical, and for the most part meaningless. On top of that, those few nations that do have such a large military will obliterate one another with nukes before any large scale battle could ensue. The North Vietnamese demonstrated the effectiveness of guerilla tactics against a much larger enemy, and one would think there'd be a lesson learned. Instead, the posturing continues, and the big boys on the block belabor young nations about their nuclear intent, while continuing to do the same themselves. And sadly, instead of choosing this, smallest of opportunities, to lead by example, a main argument from within instead comes:
As opposed to, "we will take a step to denuclearizing the world, and our own military, and hope that the rest of you will follow".
Its alright to call everyone else on even the slightest hint of nuclear arms development, impose sanctions against them, and threaten to attack them if their actions don't fit with the visions of the big guy. Yet, millions per year go towards funding their own weapons of the same destructive energy. Millions per year for too many years that, just for the sake of simple analogy, could have easily been diverted to levee construction everywhere in hurricane alley. Clearly there are numerous other programs both domestic and international that the U.S. could have better spent that money on, but instead it goes to flexing the military might. Military might so shocking, and awe inspiring that 2 and a half years later, Iraqi militants are still so bewildered that they continue to strike randomly at the occupant military, and other political and religious sects in the nation.
It should have been quite apparent right from the start that a big military presence wasn't going to be met by an equally large military in some large battlefield, with the mess to be mopped up later. Battles like that haven't taken place since the World Wars, and for good reason, good commanders realized they were a waste, illogical, and for the most part meaningless. On top of that, those few nations that do have such a large military will obliterate one another with nukes before any large scale battle could ensue. The North Vietnamese demonstrated the effectiveness of guerilla tactics against a much larger enemy, and one would think there'd be a lesson learned. Instead, the posturing continues, and the big boys on the block belabor young nations about their nuclear intent, while continuing to do the same themselves. And sadly, instead of choosing this, smallest of opportunities, to lead by example, a main argument from within instead comes:
However, critics doubted whether the weapon could go deep enough to contain any fall-out.
As opposed to, "we will take a step to denuclearizing the world, and our own military, and hope that the rest of you will follow".
October 24, 2005
Find the Time
This week is stupid busy for me, so anything that isn't mildly stressed out garble will be at a mininum. Its not so much difficulty as quantity, but still enough to put too much on my plate.
That said, Matt Good made a stellar post today on the future of global sociopolitical action, and specifically how attitudes here in North America are going to need to change before we can change the direction that some of the powers that be are taking us. The best things in life are worth working hard for.
Check this.
That said, Matt Good made a stellar post today on the future of global sociopolitical action, and specifically how attitudes here in North America are going to need to change before we can change the direction that some of the powers that be are taking us. The best things in life are worth working hard for.
Check this.
October 23, 2005
In My Dreams
I don't know if its the stress, or the alcohol, or the getting old, or some function of the three that does it, but its really weirding me out lately, and making me feel more than mildly retarded at times.
Did I pass on that message that the family doctor called confirming an appointment? Is my buddy gonna stop by to pick up that DVD today? Did I leave the lights on in the van?
Its not obsessive compulsive or anything; I don't go tracking things down in some paranoid frenzy. Infact, I feel like to much of an idiot when these things come up to do anything about it but some subtle, careful retracing of the previous few days events.
Whatever it is, hopefully it goes away soon...I miss my normal falling dreams, and touring the world within the span of a night, and talking with people I haven't seen in years.
October 21, 2005
Just lay back down your pretty head...
The MG show kicked ass, and for the most part only a couple of the idiots. A guy in a leather jacket jumpin around like a fool and waving his hand in peoples face or almost hitting them in the face, and people who just couldn't shut up for a couple minutes while Matt was trying to connect on an intellectual level with the crowd, you win some you lose some.
Of the weirder moments of the evening was the kid behind us who we thought was pushing his way forward, and was actually passing out and ended up fallin down between me and my buddy and a couple other people. I assume it was just exhaustion or over excitement or something for the kid, but we got him back up and the one guy took off to make sure he got somewhere to sit down.
Anyways, here's the best of my shots...

Of the weirder moments of the evening was the kid behind us who we thought was pushing his way forward, and was actually passing out and ended up fallin down between me and my buddy and a couple other people. I assume it was just exhaustion or over excitement or something for the kid, but we got him back up and the one guy took off to make sure he got somewhere to sit down.
Anyways, here's the best of my shots...
October 20, 2005
Downhill From Here
At long last this week is all but over, and I survived the beatings of a midterm and the abundance of assignments and labs that always seem to be due all at once. I even got in 4 hours of 'contract' work today to pad my wallet a bit, and now have the Matt Good show to go to tonight to relax before it all starts again with two more midterms and too much other stuff for me to remember at the moment.
I'm hoping beyond hopes that there aren't some morons there tonight, or at least not close to me. But its a small venue (which makes it awesome) and there are inevitibly morons amongst the crowd that take it upon themselves to try to start a mosh pit during a solo acoustic number. I'm bringing my camera, we'll see if the batteries last and if I can get any decent shots out of the'll know soon enough if I do.
October 18, 2005
Employees Wanted
I wish I could get away with applying to jobs not nearly as high in stature or importance with as vague a description of my past education and work experiences as Harriet Miers'. This woman, nominated by Bush to be the replacement for Sandra Day O'Connor as an Associate Justice in the Supreme Court of the U.S. of A, while having an impressive list of past experiences and positions, can't go through the relative ease of looking up the dates of past employment to submit in her official response to the judiciary committee of the Senate that is basically responsible for grilling her before being allowed to take the position.
One would only hope that a higher standard would be expected of someone that could see a lifetime tenure in the court that makes some of the most important decisions in United States Law. Sure, there are plenty of experiences to account for, and many of them date back a fair way, but anyone deemed worthy of being able to handle the responsibility that Bush wants to bestow on her should be able to figure these things out and fill out a complete description.
Someone should have been kind enough to let her know that she wasn't running for Grade 9 student council rep. If I applied to a co-op job with 'Date unknown' or 'mid to late 80's' there's not a chance in hell I'd even be considered for the job in question. Nevermind the limited experience with the kind of job environment that she would find herself in, or the questions about her ability to separate her beliefs and politics from fair unbiased case hearings.
I don't see how, unless she's trying to not get the job, you could go about returning a response to a job like that in such a casual fashion. I'm sure many will argue in favour of its honesty and candidness, and that's fair enough, but as a matter of principle and dedication to her cause and possible future job, she's sure gotten off to an extremely poor start.
Oh yea, and Saddam Hussein goes on trial tomorrow. The hope is to come across as a fair trial, and one can only hope beyond hopes that it actually goes down as such. Its fairly obvious that he was responsible for brutal crimes in his time, so a trial like this shouldn't need unfair loading of the scales to begin with.
One would only hope that a higher standard would be expected of someone that could see a lifetime tenure in the court that makes some of the most important decisions in United States Law. Sure, there are plenty of experiences to account for, and many of them date back a fair way, but anyone deemed worthy of being able to handle the responsibility that Bush wants to bestow on her should be able to figure these things out and fill out a complete description.
Someone should have been kind enough to let her know that she wasn't running for Grade 9 student council rep. If I applied to a co-op job with 'Date unknown' or 'mid to late 80's' there's not a chance in hell I'd even be considered for the job in question. Nevermind the limited experience with the kind of job environment that she would find herself in, or the questions about her ability to separate her beliefs and politics from fair unbiased case hearings.
I don't see how, unless she's trying to not get the job, you could go about returning a response to a job like that in such a casual fashion. I'm sure many will argue in favour of its honesty and candidness, and that's fair enough, but as a matter of principle and dedication to her cause and possible future job, she's sure gotten off to an extremely poor start.
Oh yea, and Saddam Hussein goes on trial tomorrow. The hope is to come across as a fair trial, and one can only hope beyond hopes that it actually goes down as such. Its fairly obvious that he was responsible for brutal crimes in his time, so a trial like this shouldn't need unfair loading of the scales to begin with.
October 17, 2005
How To Walk in Public
Why is it when people get into public places they forget how to walk? I'm not talking about stumbling around the bar on a couple pitchers and a few shots, I'm talking walking around a store, or on a sidewalk, or between classes.
There are all kinds of walking offenses that people commit, and it really pisses me off:
1) The formation walkers. When walking down a hallway/aisle you get the group of three or four abreast either infront of you doddling or coming at you, and won't move their asses out of their preset formation. Get over yourselves. Move the fuck out of the way, I'm sure your friends can still hear what you've got to say if they walk a step behind you...I sure can when I'm trying to get down the hall past your slow asses.
2) The speed challenged. I understand if you've got a disability or injury or something keeping you from walking at a normal pace, and I understand taking a leisurely stroll, but when there are a couple thousand people moving between classes, and you happen to not have a class in the next 5 minutes, don't hold everyone else in the world up with your strutting. Everyone knows that all the juicy hints and shit so you don't have to study as hard for exams and assignments get handled in the first few minutes of class.
3) Wanderers. Learn how to walk in a straight line people. Or be prepared to deal with the consequences when I run over you cause you've stepped infront of me for no reason. Its a pain in the ass to walk around your bobbing and weaving ass too, are you pretending you're playin football and avoiding would-be tacklers? And then these people have the audacity to start cussing after me when I ride by them too close cause I can't read minds.
4) Double doors. They put at least two doors at entrances and exits of areas for a reason. They tend to be at least partly glass so you can see traffic coming through them. Use the door on the right, just like lanes of traffic here in North America people (yes, you're living in North America now, so learn the rules and we'll have no problems). when there are two perfectly good doors, don't open the opposite door and then give me a dirty look when I walk right on through and don't let your ass go first.
5) Clogging the system. Why do people find it necessary to stand in packs in the middle of hallways and open spaces? Yes I realize you are probably waiting for something, and hell, it might even be something important, but it can be important off to the side somewhere too so that people who aren't waiting can move on. Its not so important that you and your friends need to make a human monument to your cause and make everyone else filter their way through and around you.
If you get an elbow in the ribs or shoulder against your shoulder, or bike tire up the back of your leg in the future, you probably deserved it.
There are all kinds of walking offenses that people commit, and it really pisses me off:
1) The formation walkers. When walking down a hallway/aisle you get the group of three or four abreast either infront of you doddling or coming at you, and won't move their asses out of their preset formation. Get over yourselves. Move the fuck out of the way, I'm sure your friends can still hear what you've got to say if they walk a step behind you...I sure can when I'm trying to get down the hall past your slow asses.
2) The speed challenged. I understand if you've got a disability or injury or something keeping you from walking at a normal pace, and I understand taking a leisurely stroll, but when there are a couple thousand people moving between classes, and you happen to not have a class in the next 5 minutes, don't hold everyone else in the world up with your strutting. Everyone knows that all the juicy hints and shit so you don't have to study as hard for exams and assignments get handled in the first few minutes of class.
3) Wanderers. Learn how to walk in a straight line people. Or be prepared to deal with the consequences when I run over you cause you've stepped infront of me for no reason. Its a pain in the ass to walk around your bobbing and weaving ass too, are you pretending you're playin football and avoiding would-be tacklers? And then these people have the audacity to start cussing after me when I ride by them too close cause I can't read minds.
4) Double doors. They put at least two doors at entrances and exits of areas for a reason. They tend to be at least partly glass so you can see traffic coming through them. Use the door on the right, just like lanes of traffic here in North America people (yes, you're living in North America now, so learn the rules and we'll have no problems). when there are two perfectly good doors, don't open the opposite door and then give me a dirty look when I walk right on through and don't let your ass go first.
5) Clogging the system. Why do people find it necessary to stand in packs in the middle of hallways and open spaces? Yes I realize you are probably waiting for something, and hell, it might even be something important, but it can be important off to the side somewhere too so that people who aren't waiting can move on. Its not so important that you and your friends need to make a human monument to your cause and make everyone else filter their way through and around you.
If you get an elbow in the ribs or shoulder against your shoulder, or bike tire up the back of your leg in the future, you probably deserved it.
October 15, 2005
Who Needs 'Em
So I wake up at 10:00ish this morning. By 11:00 my messenger program starts crashing and giving me Winblows errors. I, as is the usual solution, restart my computer, only to have it not want to boot up again.
At this point I'm more than mildly aggravated with close to 5,000 songs, 20 movies, and countless irreplaceable pictures on my drive. I try solutions that have worked for me in the past, and others suggested on support forums for 3 hours with no success, so I give in and go out and buy the new harddrive I've kind of been wanting anyways.
This lightens my mind a bit, you know, makes me think I'm in the clear. I hook it up and install Winblows to it no problem....but does it see my old harddrive? Of course not. After further playin around, it won't even boot up if I have my old drive connected.
I already lost 5 years worth of bank records, pictures and the like earlier in the summer, and was only able to recover part of them. That event I attribute to my own stupidity, but this was fully and completely the result of Micro$oft bending me over and giving it to me sans lube. I've lost another batch of pictures, and all the music I've collected and ripped from my own CD's in the past 6 or 7 years, and its not even looking like I can save pieces of them at this point.
I was primed for a great weekend, and then this shit happens.
Mr. Gates, you just visited my school and I missed you, but damnit, you'd best be sleeping with one eye open. Yes I'm pissed. I can almost guarantee you would be too.
I'm known to be anal about the tags on my music, and it took me forever to organize the shit the way I wanted. That said, if you think you can help reestablish my music collection let me know...and those closer to me, if you've got some pics that I've posted and have probably now lost, hook a guy up.
I'm so sick of this fixing computers bullshit.
At this point I'm more than mildly aggravated with close to 5,000 songs, 20 movies, and countless irreplaceable pictures on my drive. I try solutions that have worked for me in the past, and others suggested on support forums for 3 hours with no success, so I give in and go out and buy the new harddrive I've kind of been wanting anyways.
This lightens my mind a bit, you know, makes me think I'm in the clear. I hook it up and install Winblows to it no problem....but does it see my old harddrive? Of course not. After further playin around, it won't even boot up if I have my old drive connected.
I already lost 5 years worth of bank records, pictures and the like earlier in the summer, and was only able to recover part of them. That event I attribute to my own stupidity, but this was fully and completely the result of Micro$oft bending me over and giving it to me sans lube. I've lost another batch of pictures, and all the music I've collected and ripped from my own CD's in the past 6 or 7 years, and its not even looking like I can save pieces of them at this point.
Mr. Gates, you just visited my school and I missed you, but damnit, you'd best be sleeping with one eye open. Yes I'm pissed. I can almost guarantee you would be too.
I'm known to be anal about the tags on my music, and it took me forever to organize the shit the way I wanted. That said, if you think you can help reestablish my music collection let me know...and those closer to me, if you've got some pics that I've posted and have probably now lost, hook a guy up.
I'm so sick of this fixing computers bullshit.
October 14, 2005
Don't Get Cocky
I tip-toed through the first half of the exam, picking off the random rabbit or squirrel, but the big bucks were nowhere to be found. But the squirrels and rabbits were enough to make me cocky, thinkin I could handle anything. And then came the long answer questions, providing me a huge target to shoot at. Targets I'd been assigned before. Targets I picked off no problem in the past. But not today my friends. Today a bear got a hold of me, hit me in the head a couple times, and confused the shit outta me.
He coulda killed me, but in the end he let me go, and I let him go with only partial wounds. My cockiness got the better of me and the bear let me know that I better pack better heat for the rest of the midterm season, or final season could see me mauled in a deep dark place on campus.
October 13, 2005
Hear My Train a Comin'
Well, its not as all encompassing as I had hoped, infact, its mostly only a new page, and there's not much on it, but its coming. If I find some money I'm thinking of buying a domain and hosting (yea, I know I've said it before, and it may be a while yet) and switching everything over to WordPress in hopes of making republishing more manageable. There are some fun things I wanna do with that links page yet, just a matter of getting the help and learning the code I need to know. Hey, I see you over there pointing and laughing at my pocket protector, stop that.
Tony got his book Stiff on the shelves. I'm lookin forward to gettin a copy, but if anyone local to me wants to go in with me in an attempt to save some shipping and customs bank let me know soon.
Tony got his book Stiff on the shelves. I'm lookin forward to gettin a copy, but if anyone local to me wants to go in with me in an attempt to save some shipping and customs bank let me know soon.
October 10, 2005
Apology to the Kiddies...
This is an apology to the disrespectful kids I called out in the last post. The lost camera I was discussing was found last night, apparently some drunk other kiddy left the camera in some chick's car. This is a somewhat dubious story in my eye as someone who lifted it and felt guilty later could easily say "oh you musta left this in my ride"...but in the end, the pictures and videos are back.
Update in the works.
Update in the works.
October 09, 2005
Hey Kiddies...
In other news, Tom Cheek, the radio voice of the Blue Jays since they came into the major leages, passed away today, Touched em all Tom.
October 05, 2005
Its Back
TV broadcasters are giddy, and smiling like a schoolboy who just found his dad's Playboy stash. There were jerseys of the favourite teams all over campus and the city today...obviously with more Leafs jerseys than I'd care to see.
This strike had a reverse effect. Instead of losing fans who felt players were getting too much compensation for having fun, and entertaining us, the players of the NHL took some large paycuts just to come back and play hockey. In the end they ended up settling for little more than they could have had to save the last season, but they still took a huge hit...and people like me missed the excitement in the meantime. So they held out for a year, and teased us, and played in Europe, and made us get reacquainted with junior hockey, and brought on a lot more soccer coverage.
I can't complain about any of the outcomes. Players needed to go to Europe and learn the skill game again, not the grind and grab that the NHL had turned into. The kids in Junior hockey needed some attention, and viewership, and money to keep goin, and they got it. And who can complain about better soccer coverage.
The only complaint I can really voice, is that of all the goddamn Texas Hold'Em I had to sift through for the past year and a bit. Its a game, mental strategy, playing odds, for the love of all that is physical and athletic, please can we now see the end of the explanations of what the 'River Card' is.
On behalf of Canada, I welcome you back NHL, and with any luck, those Americans will start to show you some love too.
October 04, 2005
The Post Season
The one truth of any sport is that the playoffs are a whole new season. The lowest seed coming in can always pull something out of their hat and pop up to surprise you. Players that filled positions during the season show their stuff, motivated by the possibility of a championship in their respective sport.
The most recognizable voices of sports broadcasting come out to play too. And in October, the gritty, strong, north-eastern voice of Chris Berman, usually reserved for stumblin' and bumblin' around the football scene is heard making humourous wordplays on names, and adding his own spice of excitement to the baseball diamond.
During the baseball postseason, the networks recognize that a lot of the common folk see watching baseball on TV as about as entertaining as watching grass grow...and the best personalities out there come loaded with entertaining anecdotes and stories about players, coaches of old and new. While I can sit and enjoy a televised baseball game under most circumstances, avec or sans filler, I certainly don't object to most of the little dialogues exchanged.
There are certain commentators, most of whom I tend to forget the names of until the following time I hear them, that state blindingly obvious axioms and theories as if they are something so profound that we should be sending THEM money for their relief effort to the game being described. But these guys are there all the time, and just get a bit more of the spotlight during the postseason...or on Monday nights in the case of Coach Madden(ing).
These guys can be tuned out though in most cases, and there are always really interesting tales to be heard in between, particularly in the baseball realm. October is one of the finest representations of America's pastime, and one of the best things they have going...lets show a little more collective respect...there's so much more than grass growing, even to the uninformed casual viewer.
And lets not forget that Canada's pastime opens for the first time in two years tomorrow night!
The most recognizable voices of sports broadcasting come out to play too. And in October, the gritty, strong, north-eastern voice of Chris Berman, usually reserved for stumblin' and bumblin' around the football scene is heard making humourous wordplays on names, and adding his own spice of excitement to the baseball diamond.
During the baseball postseason, the networks recognize that a lot of the common folk see watching baseball on TV as about as entertaining as watching grass grow...and the best personalities out there come loaded with entertaining anecdotes and stories about players, coaches of old and new. While I can sit and enjoy a televised baseball game under most circumstances, avec or sans filler, I certainly don't object to most of the little dialogues exchanged.
There are certain commentators, most of whom I tend to forget the names of until the following time I hear them, that state blindingly obvious axioms and theories as if they are something so profound that we should be sending THEM money for their relief effort to the game being described. But these guys are there all the time, and just get a bit more of the spotlight during the postseason...or on Monday nights in the case of Coach Madden(ing).
These guys can be tuned out though in most cases, and there are always really interesting tales to be heard in between, particularly in the baseball realm. October is one of the finest representations of America's pastime, and one of the best things they have going...lets show a little more collective respect...there's so much more than grass growing, even to the uninformed casual viewer.
And lets not forget that Canada's pastime opens for the first time in two years tomorrow night!
Fire Rawwwrr!
I was already planning on having a fire this weekend...but Raymi's friends have given me more motivation.
I don't know why I haven't done this yet.
I don't know why I haven't done this yet.
October 03, 2005
Another "What's Your Stance"
Came across this little quiz over at MBlog. Granted it means about as much as a rain drop in the Pacific, still, it was something to do.
You are a Social Liberal (65% permissive) and an... Economic Liberal (31% permissive) You are best described as a: Link: The Politics Test on Ok Cupid Also: The OkCupid Dating Persona Test |
October 02, 2005
Good Night's Sleep
The latter part of this week saw me suffering asthma like symptoms, something I've gotten sparodic bouts of for years. It usually ends up lasting a couple days, not being able to recoup after one day from how uncomfortable it is to sleep. I've always been too stubborn to go to the doctor about it and get an inhaler to clear it up if it were possible, instead resorting to trying to diagnose the cause myself.
The past couple times I've had it, its been from cleaning, particularly in the basement where on top of the dust that is in a bit of excess around here, it is also damp, and so likely rich with mold spores. I'm hoping with a couple air filters I can lower my chances of the episodes.
After getting a decent, but not great sleep Friday night, my chest loosened up, and so last night I managed to saw logs straight through the night. This morning was one of those mornings where you wake up with an abundance of energy, and feeling great about life. Within a 2 hour stretch I managed to make breakfast (this from a person who rarely even eats cereal for breakfast), whip together some caesar salad dressing for dinner this evening, do a sink-full of pots and pans, as well as unload the everyday stuff from the dishwasher, and two loads of laundry. Then I had time to catch a bit of NFL pregame before opening kick-off.
While those persistant, annoying Yankees managed to clinch a playoff berth this weekend, and the Jays managed to finish the season under the .500 mark, I still managed to have a positive weekend...certainly less disappointing than This guy.
The past couple times I've had it, its been from cleaning, particularly in the basement where on top of the dust that is in a bit of excess around here, it is also damp, and so likely rich with mold spores. I'm hoping with a couple air filters I can lower my chances of the episodes.
After getting a decent, but not great sleep Friday night, my chest loosened up, and so last night I managed to saw logs straight through the night. This morning was one of those mornings where you wake up with an abundance of energy, and feeling great about life. Within a 2 hour stretch I managed to make breakfast (this from a person who rarely even eats cereal for breakfast), whip together some caesar salad dressing for dinner this evening, do a sink-full of pots and pans, as well as unload the everyday stuff from the dishwasher, and two loads of laundry. Then I had time to catch a bit of NFL pregame before opening kick-off.
While those persistant, annoying Yankees managed to clinch a playoff berth this weekend, and the Jays managed to finish the season under the .500 mark, I still managed to have a positive weekend...certainly less disappointing than This guy.
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