Yesterday I woke up, rolled to the side of my bed, picked up my guitar, and literally played till my fingers bled. Well, til one of them bled. And no, I didn't pick it up at the 'five and dime'. That was about all old man productivity had in store for me for Saturday. Today, I did the same.
My weekends lately are seriously devoid of any kind of excitement, and have become far too predictable. Learning a couple new riffs or memorizing a couple new chord progesssions, simple or no, is only self gratifying for so long. And the alcohol does nothing but tax my wallet.
And why is it a remaining tradition for senior citizens to do their shopping on weekends. I completely respect equal opportunity for all people, including the geriatrics among us, but come on! You people have 5 days of the week where most of the working, professional, or schooling world will be totally out of your way and you can waddle through the aisles of your local grocery store at leisure. Why do you insist on saving your shopping for Saturdays and Sundays, when the stores are busy enough with the volume of the working world, and park your carts in the most inopportune of locations, and laze slowly about.
If anyone catches me shopping on a Saturday or Sunday beyond the day I offically retire, I hereby grant you permission to take me into the stock area and kick my ass.
Today provided a little bit of activity to the weekend with a playoff soccer game in my rec league, which we lost to a team full of those people that take things way too seriously (I'm sure you know the type) and a number of NFL weird and wacky games.
The Packers were beaten again, and Favre is fading not so gracefully into the sunset, but he sure as hell is ready to go out doing the best he can manage with the talent around him he has to work with. And now the Bills at the Patriots is started, and Ted Bruschi who had a stroke after last years Pro Bowl, and who looked like it would be impossible for him to play ever again started, and is playing influential football. Its gamers like Favre and Bruschi that fight, and don't give up that reflect positively on professional sports, despite the whiners and sucks you will find out there in all sports.
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