Well, Wednesday night as expected was a great time. Two hours of all you can drink at the
Brick Brewery to get started, and then a stumble down the street to shoot some pool, put back some more beer, and take random pictures that you don't remember when you download them from your camera two days later.
Pictures like these tend to be downloaded two days later because, as in my case, the day after is spent in a state of confusion, dizzyness and dehydration until well into the afternoon. Obviously I've had enough experience with those hydroxyls to know that you don't drink on an empty stomach, let your ass pass out without plenty of water or let your ass pass out while the room is still a bit wobbly. But I didn't let my experience control things on Wednesday night, and was visited by one hell of a hangover yesterday.

With yesterday being a total write-off, I once again left studying for an exam until the morning of. And despite all the hype and warning about how difficult it was supposed to be, it really seemed to go smoothly. Of course, the typical result of having any kind of confidence in an exam is having it handed back with a multitude of dumbass mistakes. A bad notation here. A rounding error there. Completely misreading part of a question on the last page. That's how the chips fall, and one day I'll force myself to stick with my plans to study and avoid those kind of things.
I have plenty of chances coming up far too quickly.
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