Infact, tonight, it was fully my intention to have a brew or too and drive on home. But, as is often the case in the presence of friends who's main goal in life is to twist your arm, 1 or 2 beers turned into 1 or 2 pints, turned into 4 pints, some more beers and then hitting some mixed drinks.
By now I'm obviously aware of the 'beer before liquor' adage, but I think there's some clause for when the two are mixed with homemade meatballs and all the veggies you can eat.
So instead of driving home, and crashing and catching up on some sleep, here I sit on a comp that's not mine, with a split keyboard, a mouse that doesn't left-click properly, and has no sound at 3am, debating whether to stay awake, sober up and sleep in my own warm bed, or crash and drag my sorry ass home in the morning.
Tonight I was made blatantly aware of just how fast my guitar playing abilities fall off while drinking. Obviously I knew the decline to some extent before, but when it comes to the point where I can't even play power chord Green Day songs properly at the request of a girl, no matter who she is, then I have clearly lost even the most mundane and simple tasks available to me. I'm a sucker for imported beer and peer pressure, what can I say?
Cheers to beers of Eastern Europe, and a bed to sleep of stupor to follow...
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