As overblown and hyped as the Academy Awards are, I still end up watching every year. One for lack of any competitive television because none of the networks even want to attempt to compete, and second, because there are always those great honest, and great hilarious moments.
The first big award went to George Clooney for his supporting role in Syriana. George made a great humble, self depricating, yet powerful speech about making change in Hollywood. He was classy and subtle in the way in which he broached the subject of politics and change, unlike Michael Moore who in my opinion came on way too strong a couple years back in his acceptance speech.
Syriana is definitely on my movies to see list. I decided this year I would actually get some of the movies I have to see down on paper in ink cause I always seem to forget. The list actually mostly consists of old classics. Classics that I've never seen, only seen parts of, or just haven't seen in a while. All the homages to past actors and movies have me filling up my page pretty quickly, and bittorrents everywhere will be seeing a lot of action from me in the next few days.
Back to the awards at hand, or moreso the presenters.
What the hell are these people thinking? They picked a great host in Jon Stewart, who has held his own pretty well so far with some spontaneity or at least well acted fake spontaneity, but some of these presenters have been huge flubs.
Take one: Ben Stiller in a green unitard. What the HELL was that supposed to be. I mean, I know what it was supposed to be....but it wasn't funny at all, and they even cut to Spielberg after a reference to the sketch 'blowing his mind' where you could clearly read his lips saying 'uhhh no its hackjob nobody actor who relies on others like Owen Wilson, Cameron Diaz or Vince Vaughan to carry him through a movie'. Okay well he didn't really mouth all of that, but you could definitely see it in his eyes.
Take two: Jennifer Lopez. I thought they typically had actors who had been snubbed for past awards or showed promise give these awards. J. Lo? Anyone else find her out of place? And the hair. She looked like her hair was caught in an electric motor pulling it all straight back into a shiny dome of....shinyness.
Take three: Sandra Bullock and Keanu Reeves come out to present an award to none other than the orchestral take on the action music sequence from Speed. Now there was an academy award winner. Shoot the hostage. And by hostage, I mean me.
That's all of the takes for now because I can't be bothered to sit here critiquing all night long...although Jon Stewart's appeal for more move clips for montage sequences just now was rather entertaining and deserves mention before I go refill my rum and coke. More to come later, if you're unlucky.