-backyard raked, and wood split for Friday's 'welcome back to red meat' barbecue and boozin (inside story will follow later I'm sure)
-garage room sanded, primed
-3 loads of laundry done
-half hour first ride on the bike of the year around campus to take in some eye candy...and i guess feign getting fit as well
-old toilet taken out
-new toilet hooked up, with only minimal leaks
-45 minute second ride on the bike of the year, this time purely with the intent of giving my eyes cavities from all the sweetness that comes out when the air warms up
-garage room painted
-beer purchased
With the purchased beer now at home, any real productivity is done for the evening, but damnit, I worked hard to earn this brew...or at least hard enough for me to convince myself I earned it.
Busy few days ahead now between bbqing, a Matt Good concert and the Blue Jays home opener, but should be plenty of pictures which I've been at a loss for lately...
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