I probably shouldn't write posts while I'm tired, getting my drink on, and watching hockey like last night, but hey, no-one here is charging admission to the circus sideshow. If they are, you've really been screwed.
There were some great games last night, including the Jays rally and then win over the BoSox. And today, its time for the Avalanche to prove all the 'experts' wrong; I think
Maggie the Macaque has a better concept of hockey then her counterparts over at TSN.
Its grey and cold again outside, and I don't feel like doing a thing. Its after 12 now at least, maybe I should just go get the
Moosehead train rollin and wait for the puck to drop.
EDIT (12:32pm): Wait a minute, found something gimmicky and time consuming to do over at
Tony's funhouse. Take your audio player of choice, make sure shuffle's on, and answer each question by skipping forward one song...and you have to keep the embarrassing songs in your playlist in your answers, no double skips!
Will I get far in life?
Man of Action - Matthew Good Band
How do my friends see me?
Patio Lanterns - Kim Mitchell
Where will I get married?
Broken Box - Queens of the Stone Age
What is my best friend’s theme song?
Get What You Need - Jet
What is the story of my life?
Soolaimon - Neil Diamond
What was high school like?
Crossing the Frame - Coheed and Cambria
How can I get ahead in life?
Just Push Play - Aerosmith
What is the best thing about me?
Cat Scratch Fever - Ted Nugent
How is today going to be?
Kill Rock 'N Roll - System of a Down
What is in store for this weekend?
Sympathy for the Devil - The Rolling Stones (and here I thought these were my plans for last weekend)
What song describes my parents?
Apparitions - Matthew Good Band
My grandparents?
X-Static - Foo Fighters
How is my life going?
Walkin on Sunshine - Katrina and the Waves (apparently? maybe embarrassing skips should be allowed, saves lies and deceit)
What song will they play at my funeral?
Night Drive - Jimmy Eat World (i hope not)
How does the world see me?
Nothing Else Matters - Metallica
Will I have a happy life?
Over the Hills and Far Away - Led Zeppelin
What do my friends really think of me?
Downer - Nirvana (wow, pretty close to home at times)
Do people secretly lust after me?
Because - The Beatles
How can I make myself happy?
Inhale - Big Wreck
What should I do with my life?
The Secret Wedding - Braveheart Soundtrack - James Horner
Will I ever have children?
Who Can It Be Now - Men at Work
What is some good advice?
Silence - Gomez
What is my signature dancing song?
Falling Away From Me - Korn
What do I think my current theme song is?
Why Don't You and I - Santana feat. Chad Kroeger (this song was subsequently deleted)
What does everyone else think my current theme song is?
Jet - Paul McCartney and Wings
What type of men/women do you like?
Its The End of the World - R.E.M.
What did you think of this meme?
Knife Party - Deftones
And there you have it.