The other difference in energy comes from people who have gotten into their seat for 2 bucks, so aren't as shy about spending another 7 dollars each for beers after that. While there's no way in hell I'm paying 7 bucks for a beer, let alone a Budwater, some people do, and get all wide eyed and boisterous and make for some additional entertainment. And then the girls of Toronto start getting in on the fun too, and then I sometimes forget that there's a game going on somewhere in the distance far below me.
And then you get the true fans who come up and offer you money and tickets for the retro jersey off your back, and commend you for hanging on to the little piece of history instead of selling out.
In something non-baseball or work related for once...Toronto has a serious lack of Tim Hortons. Walking around killing time after the game (okay I lied, its still quasi-baseball related) to avoid traffic we could not for the life of us find a Timmys to caffeinate and drain bladders. During the walk we came across not less than 3 Starbucks and 3 Second Cups (which seem to all be located very close to their competitors), 2 Coffee Times, a Country Style and a Krispy Kreme, but not ONE Tim Hortons. Starbucks and Second Cup being too expensive for my taste, and Coffee Time et al having shitty coffee even by my low standards, we were on a mission for a Timmys, and we failed.
What the hell Toronto? Around here you are never further than 4 city blocks from a box of Timbits (donut holes for you yanks). The only one in T-dot I know of for sure got blown up a couple weeks need to fix that before the next time I go back.
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