Well, maybe we're back. After the past week of fighting with this pile of metal and silicon and its random behaviour I just don't really trust it anymore.
The abridged rundown of my time since Friday is as follows:
Friday night - a couple beers, a new harddrive the exact same as my old one, a failed attempt to save my old harddrive (like I talked about in the last post).

Saturday morning - dedicate the new harddrive as my system harddrive, transfer files and format my old system harddrive. on first boot to new system, find that most of the files i transferred and checked didn't
actually transfer, even though I checked them. Decide to play some guitar to quell the temptation to test the flight properties of a mid-size PC tower; distortion switch on the footswitch for my amp breaks (since randomly 'fixed', but under warranty still so should get someone to look at it before its not under warranty and i get bent over)
Saturday afternoon - after more fighting with the computer, set it up to recover any fragments it can with a
handy program, and decide to get out and get my sedentary ass out on my bike and check out the trails near my new office. Proceed to think after 2 previous rides of any length all year, that I am ready for the poser X-Games, take a 3 foot high near vertical jump at about 30 klicks, go up an extra couple feet, give or take, land hard on the front wheel, bounce, land again about 6 feet down the trail and bail into the rut there, smashing both knees up and having them turn all shades of green, purple and red, as well as having wrecked my cranks and front wheel. The whole event actually has put getting a helmet on my to do list for the near future while the bike is in the shop getting all fixed up.
Saturday night - enough of this breaking shit and hurting myself, lets numb the pain and ring in a birthday...and forget to bring the camera. 3 pitchers, 2 shots, and some bad food later (it had to be the food cause historically that's not enough booze to get me, and I didn't have the spins when I was falling asleep), I wake up at 4 am and am hanging over a toilet 10 seconds later.
The mercy rule kicks in, Saturday officially ends.
Since Saturday: fighting with my computer, work - spilling random chemicals on myself, fighting with my computer, work - more random chemicals, more fighting, more work - spilling heating oil pulled out with groundwater on myself, reminding me that even the nicest old neighbourhoods have their demons, and more fighting with the computer.
Somewhere in there, the Avalanche won their series over the Stars, the Jays won a couple times, the weather was nice, and I found the time to pick up legitimate, storebought copies of Pearl Jam's self titled release, which is pretty solid, and Tool's 10,000 Days which I've praised already, but after seeing the album art officially seals the deal as one of my favourite overall albums of all time, which is fairly arbitrary company I suppose, but forget all that and give it a listen if you can....now.
My work has been mindless so far and now so am I, I'm outta here.