Another great day in early May, or at least, it looked like it was from where I spent the day sitting at my desk pretending to be doing work that in reality simply didn't exist. Once again, faking it seems like more work than the real deal.
I did at least manage to give myself a bit of a refresher on some simple organic chemistry that I haven't done since 1st year that will probably become important over the next year as I try to glue, nail, and duct tape together a halfway intelligent honours thesis. And most of the material was at least partially applicable to some of the work I've been doing, except most of that is mindless dummy work for which you don't really need to know the specifics of the 'why's. With my experience, its the best way to treat field work like that. The less your field workers actually know about the implications of what they're doing, the better they can play dumb when local residents come around asking questions to which you've signed privacy agreements not to answer (although I think all the information becomes public domain once official reports are filed).
Yea I realize its some of the same kind of opacity present all through legislation and government, but a man needs his paycheque, and not letting on about a little bit of one substance that will break down naturally here, or another there isn't quite on par with starting wars under false pretenses or anything like that.
Also on the government note before I run along and wait for phone calls and e-mails back about things that never seem to come...Matt Good made an interesting post today over at Thought Mechanics on the current Canadian census. The general gist is that the compilation of our population statistics are being contracted out to Lockheed Martin. My brother already did ours up and sent it in I think, which is a shame cause I would have loved to have messed with the system a bit on this one. You win some, and lately I lose a lot more...
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