After the extended dead period at the office, the work has picked up a little. Whether that stays constant remains to be seen, but an hour before leaving the office yesterday I was asked if I'd be available to fly out to Edmonton to do some work over night on a Saturday in a few weeks. Shitty deal for sleep? Sure. But it'll also be a free trip out west for me and something to do.
Ideally I'll also be able to extend the trip to have a day or two of personal time out there. If it goes down it'll be the furthest west in Canada I've been, which I plan on changing next spring with a road trip anyways. Now one issue seems to stick out from the other possible work related, logistical ones....what the hell is there to do in Edmonton? They have a big mall...anything else, since I'm really not the mall type? A couple people have suggested road trips to Jasper (~3 hours?) if I have the time. If you've got any ideas for me, I'd love to hear em.
Anyways, between that possible trip in 2 weeks, and the long weekend festivities next weekend, this will be my last weekend to really kick back for a little while. Its my bet that most of that kicking back will have to be done tonight, since tomorrow's Netherlands-Portugal game sets up to be pretty tight. There better not be any similarity to Euro 2004's matchup.
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