-I'd have better pictures of said activities.
-There would be changes to the template more often to keep even the most depleted of attention entertained.
-I'd stop raving about the Blue Jays so much, but probably will now that they went on a seven game slide and all but took themselves out of the hunt.
-I'd give more shout-outs to all those other better blogs that have fun stories about travelling the U.K. or have contests amongst all the new guest bloggers or being an unemployed graduate and getting drunk harder and more frequently than me, or just a reminder of the classics more often. And then, I wouldn't let you leave til you clicked them all.
-I'd quote more of the meaty parts of other posts so you could be lazy and not click all those links, even though I always have them open in a new window or tab for you.
-I would actively reinforce the evils of Internet Explorer.
-I'd stop adding pictures that you can go to in the sidebar anyways to make the post look more full.
-I wouldn't make lists and pass them off as legitimate blog posts.
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