Today was supposed to be a slo-pitch league game and then some R&R around the house, but apparently the people who run the league are made of sugar and melt in the moisture left after the rain has already blown through, so we just hit the ball around some, and will likely have to make the game up as part of a triple-header next Sunday. Hopefully that kind of schedule won't lead to us dropping our undefeated record.
Of course, that would also require no rain for a period of more than say 5 hours, which I don't think has happened for over a month. This has to be one of the rainiest autumns I can remember, always dreary and overcast, adding to the already rapidly shortening days. I have a feeling its gonna be a long winter.
Tony Pierce is back home from touring the U.S., parts of Canada, and is celebrating his one hundred-rd birthday today. Drop by and say hey!
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