The United States military is aspiring to become the aliens from H.G. Wells' The War of The Worlds.
You can now get all the myriad health benefits of coffee and doughnuts in one. I was personally hoping McDonalds or Burger King would inject their burgers with caffeine first in their pioneering tradition of wholesome food. Now they will seem like unoriginal hacks.
Nick has a new blog for his puntastic t-shirt ideas. If he made a Cafepress store for some of them I'd probably buy a hundred. Okay, that may not be a fact. Maybe I'd buy one. But still, check them out.
It was -22 last night, without windchill. While not Prairies cold, that's still pretty fucking cold. Today we got dumped on with snow all day. I'm sick of this 'winter' shit; I'm gonna go tell Al Gore to talk some more so he exhausts more carbon dioxide, and water vapour, and accelerates this climate change thing.