Apparently the next tests will take the better part of 3 weeks to finish, while I am supposed to have a rough draft of a thesis written for next week. I could write the thesis around the data I am still waiting on, but instead I'm using it as an excuse to string things out even further. So long as I have things in order for my presentation near the end of March, there shouldn't be any issues. In the mean time I just cannot bring myself to sit down and put things together.
At first I thought I was just sick of schooling in general, but I am taking other courses this term, and aside from the typical gripes, am enjoying them. Infact, having saved some arts electives til the end of my degree and now taking the same style introductory courses I took 4 years ago, I've found a bit more interest than I had of late. I'm certainly not about to switch into a 4 year Psychology degree or anything ridiculous like that, but it holds interest well enough.
Instead, its the self directed thesis portion of things that's dragging me down right now. I am hoping that its simply the fact that I was never enthusiastic (to say the least) about my topic to begin with that is most of the reason for my dragging my ass. If its the self directed research side of things, then perhaps going on to get my Masters won't be the best idea. The problem with stopping now of course would be that I don't like most of the jobs I could go fill with my Bachelors degree. In truth, I've had the feeling lately that I'd be most happy doing under the table computer repairs, or at worst registering as a small business and doing the same.
We'll see what waking up in the morning for the next few months brings in terms of new motivation, or job opportunity. In the mean time, I'd be happy to fix your computer problems at minimum wage + parts and travel!