I need to stop drinking so much when I play poker. Sure I may still play well enough to win occasionally, but most often all I have to show for my efforts the next morning is a hangover. This morning was no exception, although we did split the fairly large pot from last night's big game between the final 3, covering some of my losses.

And my being out of action all morning really means nothing to my renovation progress as I've had to cake the drywall mud on extra thick and wait for it to dry in an attempt to mask the shoddy construction around the window and door casings. Its true what they say about old houses being a lot of work, but if nothing else, I know at least that its built solid, if not always square and even.
Speaking of solid construction, the new Smashing Pumpkins album holds up alright. Its not quite as epic as the Mellon Collie album was, but then to expect anything like that album would be setting yourself up for disappointment right from the start. That said, it rocks hard, and despite the loss of James Iha on guitar, the songs certainly aren't lacking. I think I'll be buying this one, along with the new MG when it comes out, and the Traveling Wilburys set will likely find its way on to this month's mastercard bill as well.
A job needs to find its way to me soon too, or those mastercard bills are really going to start becoming more of an issue.