I spent the last two days at work cutting rock core in the basement of one of the biology buildings. Dirty, wet, loud, and yet peaceful. Working for 15 hours in a two day period, I didn't see a single living person down there.
That's not to say that I saw any dead people either, though at least one person has died down there; from my recollection, a girl who hung herself from the pipes during midterms the year before I started my degree. Things like this happen more often than you'd think to students, but the school does its best to hide the realities of these things. Probably for the best for the families of the dead.
But a few days down there to yourself, not bothered by anyone, and taking your life should be the last thing on your mind. Plus, I had some time to work on some do-it-yourself (read cheap) x-mas gifts. I know, with all my bitterness and contempt for winter, I should be punched in the face for mentioning it, but hey, I've learned you have to jump on these things when they present themselves...kind of like...well never mind. Steak's on..