I forget what network was touting this story line, but I am pretty sure it was the local CTV outlet advertising a segment on Christmas, and asking the question along the lines of "is it time for Christians to reclaim Christmas?" Are they serious!? First of all, I guarantee that its some of the purest 'Christians' our there that go and inflate numbers to the point that the average person spends $1000 on x-mas gifts, and buy into the whole commercialism they turn around and say is tainting the holiday.
But at this point, when the mission for many seems to be to convert the world anyways, why not embrace that everyone has bought into a holiday that in many cases transcends religious borders. Its not just Christians that are buying Christmas presents, and sharing in a sense of community around this time of year. While some downplay the issue, or keep low key during the holidays, there are plenty more that engage in the same gift giving, camaraderie and such that the 'holiday season' has really become; and after all, isn't that the point?
If some Jesus figure was to become the latest incarnate and come along and see people more or less enjoying getting together with people for the holidays, wouldn't they praise it? I sure didn't complain when one of the girls at the lab last term brought in pastries for everyone for Diwali, and I guarantee there will be no Hindu outcry against me for partaking in part of the ritual of one of their sacred days. But the Christians say its time to restake claim to the holiday? I say its a bunch of bullshit inspired by guilty conscience for not living up to what you feel your scripture asks of you, combined with an elitist mentality.
No need to start a crusade against commercialism or whatever else if you're one of these people with a guilty conscience, just go to church at more than just Christmas and Easter. For the rest of us who just see it as a time to relax, and for those that aren't wracked with guilt, grab some eggnog, and enjoy your new toys and drinking with your friends and family. It will be back to work soon enough.
In all honesty, happy holidays to everyone, regardless of your beliefs. Let me know if you see any good boxing day deals on Digital SLR cameras.