How many songs total: 6083 songs, 39.7 GB
How many hours or days of music: 2 weeks 4 days, 12 hours, 20 minutes, 26 seconds
Most recently played: Nine Inch Nails - Just Like You Imagined
Most played: Tie between Eulogy by Tool and Blue Skies Over Bad Lands by Matthew Good (41 each)
Most recently added: David Bowie - South Horizon, I have a ton of David Bowie on here from my mom's collection that I've never heard.
Sort By Song Title
First song: (-) Ions by Tool
Last Song: Zoom by The Watchmen
Sort By Time
Shortest Song: Bonus Track from Nine Inch Nails' Head Like a Hole
Longest Song: The longest that isn't a bad rip, or the last song on an album with a 'secret' song at the end is Tubular Bells Pt. 2 by Mike Oldfield
Sort By Album
First Song: Queen B by Puscifer from "V" is for Vagina
Last Song: Pomp and Circumstances by The Smashing Pumpkins from Zeitgeist
Top 10 Most Played Songs
1) Tool - Eulogy
1) Matthew Good - Blue Skies Over Bad Lands
3) Matthew Good - House of Smoke and Mirrors
3) Nine Inch Nails - The Day the World Went Away
3) Tool - Wings for Marie (Part 1)
6) Radiohead - Bodysnatchers
6) Matthew Good Band - A Boy and His Machine Gun
8) Josh Ritter - Thin Blue Flame
8) Emily Haines & The Soft Skeleton - Crowd Surf Off a Cliff
10) Tool - 10,000 Days (Wings Part 2)
10) Matthew Good Band - Hello Time Bomb
10) Matthew Good Band - I, The Throw Away
10) Matthew Good - Black Helicopter
Five Songs that come up on Shuffle
1) Metallica and San Francisco Symphony - One
2) Eagles - Witchy Woman
3) Rage Against the Machine - Snake Charmer
4) Rammstein - Bestrafe Mich
5) Cat Stevens - Can't Keep It In
“Sex”, How many songs come up? 28
“Love”, How many songs come up? 163
“You”, How many songs come up? 606
“Death”, How many songs come up? 30
“Hate”, How many songs come up? 35
“Wish”, How many songs come up? 22