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April 13, 2015


The air smells like spring.  The temperatures have teased us so far, but the smell is really there now.  Little nubs of grass are starting to poke through flat yellow lawns everywhere.

Everyone I talk to seems to be getting super excited about barbecue as well.  I don't have the heart to tell most of them that I've barbecued weekly on average all winter long, with only January really hurting my grill patterns.  But I appreciate all their enthusiasm.

The sunny, warm forecast this week has me almost even believing that work near the core of Toronto this week will be a delight, and go off without issue.  No budget for hotels, or food really, but still, will be sunshine and rainbows (except for the commute, which will suck no matter what).

The Jays lost on home opener day, again.  That also seems like a sure sign of spring.  Of course, many Jays fans lost before the game had even begun, standing in massive lines in the rain awaiting 'security' scans which likely were about as effective as the 'scared to offend' courtesy patdowns of yesteryear, and only really effective in backing up large crowds of people outside the venue.  Anyone really wanting to attack wouldn't even need to pay for admission.

A friend posted an interesting link this week on death statistics.  Note in particular the comparison chart near the bottom of the article.  While it seems to miss a lot of non-cancer disease, it still manages to highlight the absurdity of the emphasis we place on 'security'.  I'm curious to see what, if any backlash will come out of this, or if we can just expect cavity searches next year to gain entry to ball parks.  Hell, maybe if they train the staff well enough, you can build in your yearly exams at the same time.  You know, bring health care and policing together in one happy place.  Huge tax savings.

Right, back to spring.  Breath of fresh air.  Baseball.  Record Store Day.  Game of Thrones.  There's just enough there to distract oneself.

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