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December 04, 2004

Long Hours Alone: Random Thoughts

I decided to write things down while waiting for tests to finish at work this week...its amazing now useless work makes the mind.

Would you like to hear my mind? So would I. I wonder what it sounds like. Come to think of it, I wonder what colour my mind's eye is.

I wonder if there's Fruitopia in Utopia. Snapple must be prohibited, and no Nestea plunges allowed!

Ignorance is bliss; does this then explain Dubbya's goofy monkey smile?

Boys will be boys; and women will always pretend not to understand them and get pissy about it.

Does day follow night, or night follow day; as burning a question as "half full or half empty".

Its amazing how people allow Hollywood to get away with the misinformation they do, wasting their money on dramatizing something instead of teaching something. Such is the American way, nothing like sustaining collective stupidity. Have you fought a war today?

Ignorance truly is bliss; it is the only way to be happy in a world with 1st world stresses, 3rd world tragedies, and whole world deteriorations. Only in ignoring your boss, turning a blind eye on starving children, and not believing the global warming prophets can one be euphoric. That or large quantities of alcohol and prozac. (Are they putting prozac in childrens chewable daily vitamins yet, no-one better than Fred Flintstone on the bottle marketing meds.)

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