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January 27, 2005

Operation Iraqi Freedom

Three days remain until Iraq's 'free and democratic' election under the new American 'protection'. Nothing like holding an election for the people in a nation in which most people are afraid to leave their homes for fear of a suicide bomber, gunfire, or a misplaced American bomb keeping them from ever returning home. It baffles me to ponder how the current United States government could possibly believe in their current positive stance. 1 + 1 = 2. What goes up must come down. Holding an election in an active war zone is ridiculous. They seem to all be equally obvious statements, even to an otherwise unaware elementary school student. I certainly don't see anything believeable as a 'fairly elected government' coming out of all this, just more of the same American control over a region they, by all normal standards, have no rights to. Maybe I'm just talking crazy talk, I should go take my Prozac and Vicodin.

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