I've noticed over the past couple weeks, and the last few days in particular that my workday has a strong effect on the rest of my night. Not just in the typical "am i gonna get home early enough to do something" or "is it wing night at _(insert bar here)_", but in my overall frame of mind.
When things in the office are pretty lackadaisical, and I spend the day reading articles, drawing figures and organizing spreadsheets and the like, I come home and sit and read through the news, and a select list of blogs, and have a clear train of thought for the evening.
On the other hand, when I come home from a 12 or 13 hour day in the field, having busted my ass in 35 degree heat + humidex at 80%, I tend to be absolutely wired.
And moreso after a couple such long days. I skip through sentences of every article and blog post I see because I feel like I should be doing something else. And at times this is made worse by the fact that I have gotten a couple days behind in my reading, and I feel lost tryin to catch up on three days worth of material. By the way, Tony Pierce's awesome blog has been somewhat neglected in this regard lately. Generally I'm all caught up and lookin for updates, but this week I'm lost in the current symptoms of work ADD, and the added effect of being stressed out about having lost all my files and trying to set up my computer again in my picky way.
I am making myself write this right now in the latter, goldfish attention span, state in an attempt to calm my mind, and get a little more focus. But I gotta say, 10 minutes later I've been instead busy chatting with four different people, have updated stats on the Jays game 4 times (4-O t.dot in the bottom of the 4th), and have quick searched 3 songs in my playlist, as well as looked up the proper spelling of 'lackadaisical', which I typed myself the second time so I'd remember how to spell it next time. I need to find a way to lose this ADD frame of mind after a busy day, and apparently this isn't the way.
I guess I'll try turning on the TV to the baseball game now and try to relax with that on, and entertain the notion that because the Jays are playing some weak teams for a bit they MIGHT stay in the AL East hunt sans Doc Halladay. False hope is no fun when you're the one in the know....I dunno how Leafs fans do it every year.
sorry bro, ive been doing a podcast a day for the last week.
but youre right, im not on my usual pace of three posts a day.
did you like my podcast with matt good?
honestly, yea, loved that shit for sure. Matt really opens up when he doesn't seem to be constrained by his own blog and fitting into the theme of his blog. And you're obviously friends enough with him, and intelligent enough to prod open responses. The like +/- 30 mins devoted to artists new and old and record labels was particluarly interesting.
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