I got back from my camping excursion yesterday afternoon, but was far less than energetic enough to post anything. It ended up being a rough 3 and a half days due to some poor packing on my part, lots of retardation and very little rest and relaxation. First I get up there, and find out I've forgotten my brick of cheese. Clearly not a world ending situation, I just had to pay a stupid amount of money because the price of everything is jacked up north because obviously people are going to pay it, especially cause it costs so much to drive anywhere.
Then I'm standing around making dinner on the first evening and realize that in throwing everything together, I didn't grab ANY of my three sleeping bags. That would be, any of the three sleeping bags that are in the exact same closet as where I keep the hiking pack that I pulled out to put all my clothes, hygiene products, and assorted tools in. Well, being as I tend to sleep with my windows wide open at home with no blankets, I assumed that I'd be alright with jeans, socks, a long sleeve shirt and a hoodie. One would think that it was stupid enough of me not to have brought a sleeping bag, but I on the other hand must have been out on a mission, and had also not packed socks, figuring I'd be barefooting or in sandals most of the time, and not thinking about staying warm at night. And so, a night at 8 degrees, an extra hoodie, and 3 hours of sleep later I got my ass out of the tent, and spent the morning with a monopoly on the nearest outhouse.
Obviously after all that I wasn't going to allow for a sequel, so I killed my day Thursday driving into a town to try to find myself a decent blanket, and some socks....$50 dollar blanket, $12 pair of socks, $20 of gas at a buck-o-six a litre, 3 hours driving = plus de time and money killed.
After that though, at least I was sleeping well, and not sick as a dog in the mornings. Got a bit of the resting and relaxing done after that, and really nothing else exciting happened until a pack of coons decided they'd explore the back of my van, with the hatch open, and my food in there, as it had been every night previously without issue. The bastards better have enjoyed those pitas.
Its amazing how much life up there in what people take as a pristine, natural environment is due soley to the presence of stupid campers, voluntarily and involuntarily feeding the animals and allowing their populations to grow. The raccoons, red squirrels, chipmunks and ducks patroling the shoreline along the campsites says it all. I'm sure the same is true of the bear populations, although I didn't see or hear from any up there.
Aside from my own stupidity though, the gorgeous daytime weather, and the outdoors provided me with some relaxing views.