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August 10, 2005


As of right now I have 50 hours of time to put in at my co-op placement before I am done the term. Its also 2 weeks til I head to Algonquin for a few days of fishin, drinkin and grillin in the wilderness...out of the back of my van. And unfortunately 4 and a half weeks til I'm back in classes. That doesn't leave me as much time to chill in between as I'd like, so I started gettin some shit in order today. In the process I found this:
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I used to have it hanging on a bulletin board by my dart board, but it got put away for renovations at some point. Its funny sometimes the things you find when cleaning up that you completely forgot about, or had thought gone forever. Its probably mostly a function of being a packrat at times, but hey, it still gave me a chuckle.

I think what my room is still lacking post renovation is aformentioned bulletin board. I should stick one up to pin all my old memorabilia (tickets, pictures, pennants etc.) to. Yet another item for the long agenda of shit that needs to get done before I just use it as a distraction from studying and assignments once classes light up again.

Consider this my (not so) public statement of my intention to buckle the fuck down this term.

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