An article in the
Washington Post today outlines President Bush's approval rating being down in the U.S. and some associated statistics. In reading through it blows my mind that people are only now catching on to things cause its hitting them in the wallet as opposed to striking them on a moral level:
"I supported him last year," said Gina Coleman, 29, a homemaker living in Camden County, N.J. "I wouldn't vote for him again. It's gas prices, the war -- just the way he has been handling things. The rise in gas is something that has been happening for a long time, and the prices are getting worse. This makes me feel more negative about him, definitely."

Nevermind all the other activities that go on that disappear in the face of oil worries. Further into the article are statistics on feelings about the opposition or lack thereof from the Democrats. They are the only people in a situation to do anything politically because lets face it, in as free and democratic a country as it claims to be, there are only two parties that will ever be elected into power. But the way things are now, you kind of have to wonder if its not just becoming a one party system, because it doesn't seem like anyone with any kind of backbone is willing to take any kind of stand for the Dems. I guess I'd be frustrated too though if the man leading the opposition party couldn't be forced to answer questions from the people of his own nation, from the media, or from opposing political parties on nearly frequent or open enough a basis.
Matt Good once again brings more U.S. hypocrisy
to question. Its just another of those things that makes you go "WTF?". Its pretty amazing just how many things can instill that same feeling.
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