Every 6 months or so the circle of friends from highschool that I've otherwise fallen out of touch with drops word of a keg party around town. Last night was one of those semi-annual gatherings.

Between the years spent together in school as kids and the long periods of time between the parties, there's always plenty to talk about. "Bryan moved to Halifax and got MARRIED?" "Jen is doing what??" And so the time goes and everyone keeps pretty relaxed. Most of us being another year removed from the real partying days just keep things mellow and want to sit and drink and have a good time, but as always with these keggers, the drama seems to work its way into things.
Some people just can't have a good time and chill out and need to go that extra mile for attention, others just like to be pricks. Around 1am some of the guys from a couple years above us in highschool decided to try to walk off with one of the empty kegs to return for the deposit. My buddy steps in to settle things in what by all accounts was a civil discussion, quite contrary to the old way of settling things with some of my friends, and is blindsided, headbutted in the face and punched in the mouth, chipping off half a tooth.

All in all behaviour that you'd expect from the younger kids, and definitely not from the older ones that should be bored with the antics. But I guess that's what you do with all your buddies when you're in your mid to late twenties with no real job, and no real ambitions in life.
Despite the drama, I still managed to get wrecked, have a good time, and end up with a solid beer hangover this
morning afternoon, even having chugged two litres of water after the drunk pedal home.
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