The flight home was good, great even. The seat next to me was empty so I had some space to myself on the way home. Maybe its cause I was so busy with work for the most part, or simply because I failed to find Edmonton itself very exciting, I wasn't really disappointed to be leaving as I often am when I spend some time in a new domain.
There's more work planned for out there, and I would go, only for the sake that its better than some of the bullshit work I've had to strain through since getting back (with no time off mind you). But I'm really in no hurry, and am likely going to schedule myself to be done within the month, having already met the requirements for my co-op program that I intend to drop anyways. In reality, the only reason for me to be there is for the money.
The longer I work, the less time I'll have to spend money, and the shorter window I will have to budget for. 8 months straight of school will be harsh enough on the wallet, but things like weddings and birthdays and ideally a month long road trip out west add to the need.
A truly dedicated person would give up their guilty pleasures like booze and CD's and booze. One booze cut is perhaps an option, especially once the summer drinking season fades away again in its shitty way, but two? CD's for the most part is doable as my collection of the 'must have classics' is pretty solid now, and to be honest not too much 'new' stuff is really new or inspiring enough to buy, with some obvious exceptions.
I'll find a way somehow I'm sure, but right now the burnout of 10 days straight of work is getting to me, and I need to be done with that soon. I'll take sanity over salary thanks.
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