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August 19, 2005


As of 3pm today, I am done my work-term and free from the chains of the University until mid September when shit will of course pile on in full force again. But in the mean time...rest, relaxation and retardation!

The plan is to head up to Algonquin on Wednesday morning, hopefully just miss the end of T-dot rush hour taking 401 to 400. I may yet decide to make a scenic backroad journey out of it though, what's life without a little adventure right? Besides that, and hittin the beach one day, I have absolutely nothing (except a nagging work report or two...) to do for the next 4 weeks, and I'm lovin it.

I went over to MBlog yesterday and found a subtle 'For Sale' link. Curious I checked it out, and found a sweet ass Fender stack (actually 4 of them) that he's selling at what seems the right price to me, especially considering I've been lookin at gettin a new amp for a while. I however didn't save as much money as I'd have liked this term, and the likely shipping prices scare me. I also think a 4x12 cabinet might be a bit overkill, but things like this, especially from collectible perspective tend to not lose their value, particularly Fender gear. You can always step into a music shop and find an old Fender amp at almost the same price as the brand new stuff. I'm waiting for a reply on the shipping, but I could in the next few days end up making another one of those headshaker purchases. Anyone wanna make donations to the Aaron Fund?


Anonymous said...

Buy 'em man. You only live once. Can't afford the shipping? Road Trip!

Aaron said...

I can afford the shipping more than I can afford the week long road trip across canada it'd take to pick em up. Its so very tempting right now...