I managed to borrow from experience this time, and not be a fool fallin into bed early, and sobered up respectably before crashing last night, and only mildly groggy on waking up.
My first exam is scheduled in the worst time slot I have ever seen. When I had to write an exam from 7 til 10pm on the night of my 19th birthday, when I should have been vigorously celebrating my first night of legal drinking, I was pissed, but I certainly can't expect a university to schedule around one person, shit happens.
But my first exam this term is from 7:30 til 10 on Saturday night; who the hell does that?! Sure its fair to say that a lot of people have to study their asses off and don't have much of a life during exams anyways, and I can't say that I've got a hugely exciting weekend tradition, but its still sacred time. I am blessed with being able to pick up and spit out most of the material I need for an exam in a fairly small amount of time, and use the free time to stay relaxed. Studying endlessly only stresses you out and makes you ineffective anyways. So when this comes along and seriously impedes on prime relaxing time, I get a bit upset. Screw you U of Woo.
On a brighter note, I just got an e-mail pop-up notice informing me that the Jays actually managed to sign another top free agent in A.J. Burnett. Of course he's been hugely hyped, and is being slightly overpaid, but I'm happier to see that extra money go to someone who will eat up far more innings than B.J. Ryan. I think I'm going to get on ordering some tickets for some games early this year, even if they lose, I haven't had some good Toronto street-meat in ages, and it warms the soul in ways that knock off street-meat just never will.
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