When I applied to university, I applied to one program at one school. It was what I wanted to do. I knew I wanted to do it, and because I was in a decently run school board, I had the opportunity to do a term on campus at the university while still fulfilling highschool course requirements. Back in the day I was a bit of a keener, and a bit more motivated than these days.
At the time, the prof I did some work for chided me for not applying to other schools in the area, in particular Western, just to see what kind of money they might throw at me (like I said, I had a bit of a keener complex and had scholarship marks). Well, after seeing this (NSFW) link from Tony Pierce and in light of the Saturday night exam tomorrow night that I have yet to crack the notes for, I really should have given Western more consideration. Why? Well I sure haven't had that free range dorm craziness livin here, I wasn't given that much money here, and I don't want to crack the notes for tomorrow night's exams.
In my time not spent studying, I've been cruising the webosphere perhaps to an unhealthy extent. In the end the story doesn't change all that much with torture alleged and torture not so much denied as 're-classified' and changed up in the rhetoric around it. But in the past few days Canadians have been getting up in American politics' face, and I can't say I don't like it. Between Paul Martin getting the U.S. all fired up over their commitment, or lack thereof, to deflecting climate change, and former Canadian Supreme Court, now U.N. Human Rights official, Louise Arbour's questioning of their definitions of torture, we sure have had a good week of pissing them off. Not so much the passive little brother up north this week. I also read somewhere this week that the World Trade Organization ruled in favour of Canada in another chapter of the softwood lumber dispute. It wouldn't be accurate to say that its just Canada questioning them though, the whole world is finally making many formal turns against U.S. policy. Hopefully it incites the least bit of change.
And I'm still not quite ready to start that studying, so instead Stella will keep my company for the evening. Cheers!