For me, as I mentioned in the last post, the holidays represent time to kick back and relax without responsibility to anyone for a couple weeks of the year. As a kid you go through the whole presents thing and not being able to sleep because you're amped up and ready to explode about what Santa's gonna leave under the tree.

With age however, I've grown to appreciate the actual holidays themselves as free time to kill however I see fit. Over at
Sacrelicious they have a pretty good grasp of
all things Christmas too! My roof is too steep for me to be gettin my ass up there, and its too high to be really legible from the street anyways, defeating the whole purpose. I do however love the pink flamingos, definitely adding that extra touch of class.
Three exams down, two to go tomorrow and Monday. I'm hoping beyond hopes that this snow storm we're getting doesn't keep up for too much longer and possibly end up postponing season past my birthday and far beyond what it should be.
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