After getting to sleep at 4:30 this morning, I dragged my ass out of bed again at 9:30 to hop on Ticketmaster in time for the 'onsale' of tickets to the Elton John show in town next month. Somehow, despite being a fan since she was 15, my mom has never gone to a show, and wanted to be sure to get in on this one. At 9:58 on my computer time (tickets were officially on sale at 10) I had access to buy tickets, and by then already could only buy a single ticket, not even a pair. I had thought about grabbing a block of 4, or two pair, and selling the ones my mom wasn't going to use on eBay, but when I could only get 1, I decided not to push my luck.
The show sold out within half an hour (the Aud isn't exactly a huge venue), and after that, there were already tickets for sale on eBay at 3 for $1800 for the cheapest seats in the place. I don't know what the market is like for single tickets, but I should have gone back for some more singles. I'm sure I could have gotten at least $300 more than I paid.
I'm sure I fared better though than people who were lined up outside the Aud last night already in hopes of getting tickets. 16 hours in the wind and cold and forecast 25 cm of snow, to maybe have the line move fast enough to get your tickets in the first half hour, or sit half naked at your computer, grab your tickets and be done with it. That's what you get for not having even a little faith in technology.