Chili is followed closely by pizza as the most popular superbowl serving. Ironic given the prime sport interest of most in Mexico and Italy, a game actually played predominantly with...feet!
No comment there on the watered down, over smoothed, flavourless, North American beer that will be consumed in even greater volumes than chili. My homebrew doesn't fit the flavourless, over smoothed, or North American characters, but high volume consumption is a given.
Pats, 35; Giants, 31; me....who can predict?
Update: 9/11 still has its carry-over in the sports world as well. God bless America in the middle of baseball games still, and every year since, a depiction of the Declaration as part of the Superbowl leadup. One has to wonder how many of the viewers out there actually pay attention to, or think about the words contained within, particularly in the beer and food atmosphere described above. Showing it under that setting likely has more tendency to incite blind patriotism, rather than critical thought and well considered patriotism.
Anyways, the Patriots of New England are about to take the field, enough rambling.