After being sick most of the week, Carolyn suggested she was well enough again to get together and watch the Oscars on Sunday night. We both figured that by that point, despite having lingering congestion, she probably wasn't contagious any more. So we got together and watched the awards. Of course, I had only seen the two mainstream, big budget movies up for awards in The Bourne Ultimatum and the latest Pirates of the Caribbean. Michael Clayton and No Country for Old Men have been on the agenda for a while, but being both to cheap to go to the movies, and more comfortable at home, I haven't had much of a window to see them yet.
And then 6:00am Monday came waking up like a wall had just hit me, and my nose dripping like a faucet. A few more hours of sleep seemed to clear things up, and for most of the day I felt just fine. But by the evening, my nose was running again at full drip, and my head in general begin to feel like a fish tank full of mucous. Three days, and plenty of OJ and Contac C later, the nose has dried up, and I'm just left feeling like I'm walking around under 20 feet of water. Just sitting up at the computer without feeling dizzy is a welcome accomplishment at this point.
Despite the sun getting higher and higher in the sky, its still something like -20 out today, so lazing around the house doesn't seem like the worst fate in the world for one more day.