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May 25, 2006

Patience Deficient

I probably shouldn't let people annoy me as quickly as they do sometimes and then go into rants about it. I think boring work has something to do with a shortened tolerance for those kind of things too. Hopefully today's sick day will be enough of a break to go back to finish out the week fresh and not quite so bitter.

If not I have a weekend full of stuff to do between some birthday celebrations Friday night, a Stag and Doe Saturday night and, if I'm not too hungover, a trip to Toronto for Vernon Wells bobblehead day Sunday against the world series champs. The bobbleheads go to the first 10,000 fans which means I'll have to get my ass there extra early. Likely two nights of drinking followed by a Sunday morning road trip...maybe I'll have to make a concerted effort to show some restraint. We'll see.

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