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July 27, 2005

Post 69

Yea that's right, this is post 69, good things will happen. A good financial venture is in your future. Lotto: 3-14-19-27-31-36.

Anyways, haven't been up to much of anything lately, except catching up on the first season of the OC, the first half of which I originally missed. Hilarious comments + T&A + usually entertaining plotlines = success in my books, and I've been hooked on success for the past couple days. Once I get the season out of the way I have some work to do on here again, particularly comments that are apparently taking over a day to register right now.

I did manage to get out and play an actual game of soccer the other night, and to add to my personal surprise was the fact that I didn't hurt myself, or feel sore from it the next day as has been the case in the past.

I've added a link to Be a Witness in the sidebar; if you haven't checked it out already, its in your best interest. Blog trends from BlogPulse is also really interesting, one would think that there might be more attention given in the blogosphere to more relevant topics, but apparently not.

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