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June 09, 2005

If the Air Were Any Thicker, One Could Swim In It

Just got in from a 13 hour day in the field...well, 9 hours in the field, 4 in the office...but we managed to time the field work on the hottest, muggiest part of the day. I am honestly still enjoying it though, having previously frozen my ass off for at least 2 months of the work term on my previous two work terms. And the eye candy one sees driving around in the summer more than makes up for the perpetual sweating and feeling like you could drink the Southern Ontario smog-air. And even the smog I can't really complain about. One of the grad students I work with just got back from L.A. where they actually find a clear day on which they see blue sky and maybe even the Hollywood sign an anomaly. That's what they get for havin all the sunshine and hot waitress/actresses.

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