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October 14, 2005

Don't Get Cocky

Midterm season opened today. I had no choice but to partake in the hunt, but I did so thinking my couple rounds of ammunition would be enough to take on any assortment of animals that came at me.

I tip-toed through the first half of the exam, picking off the random rabbit or squirrel, but the big bucks were nowhere to be found. But the squirrels and rabbits were enough to make me cocky, thinkin I could handle anything. And then came the long answer questions, providing me a huge target to shoot at. Targets I'd been assigned before. Targets I picked off no problem in the past. But not today my friends. Today a bear got a hold of me, hit me in the head a couple times, and confused the shit outta me.

He coulda killed me, but in the end he let me go, and I let him go with only partial wounds. My cockiness got the better of me and the bear let me know that I better pack better heat for the rest of the midterm season, or final season could see me mauled in a deep dark place on campus.

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