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September 06, 2005

Boys and Their Toys

Image hosted by Photobucket.comI ultimately had to turn down the amp stack that Matt Good was selling a couple weeks back after tossing it around in my head for a while, and eventually having my co-op job opportunity starting in January fall apart. Instead I went out today and bought myself a slightly cheaper toy. It sounds incredible, and I got it for 60 bucks cheaper than tag price. Its not a tube amp like I was hoping for, but its stereo and has a built in digital effects module that doesn't sound like ass like on more lower end stuff.

I went for a 5 hour trail ride yesterday, and today I'm having issues going up and down stairs cause of the muscle soreness. But then I didn't get hurt as bad as a buddy who took a couple spills yesterday and now has to refrain from eating solid foods for a week. I can tell you if that was me there'd be a lot of barley meals.

The rest of this week needs to consist of getting my remaining texts for school, putting my notes from two terms away in a box somewhere, and playing with the new amp. In a perfect world I'd find the time and good weather to hit the beach for a day too...

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