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April 02, 2006

Oh Brother, Big Brother

Just came across a link from the Sunday Herald on Matthew Good's blog (which is clearly back up now) outlining a Pentagon plan for implementing itself more vigourously into the internet and all other forms of digital communication. Included in the simplified plan was this gem:
"...psychological military operations, known as psyops, will be at the heart of future military action. Psyops involve using any media – from newspapers, books and posters to the internet, music, Blackberrys and personal digital assistants (PDAs) – to put out black propaganda to assist government and military strategy. Psyops involve the dissemination of lies and fake stories and releasing information to wrong-foot the enemy."

I honestly had to double check the date on the article to assure myself that it was infact an article from today and not April Fool's Day yesterday. I could swear that was a passage from 1984 reworded to fit with today's technological terminology. In essence, the U.S. looks like they're attempting to leverage themselves into even better position to control the internet and have the ability to more verily flex their muscle in any future delivery of freedom.

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